
866 results:

What action on zero deforestation pledges?

What action on zero deforestation pledges?

What action on zero deforestation pledges? Ruth Nussbaum, co-founder and Director of Proforest, will be moderating a panel discussion on Action on Deforestation Pledges on the first day of the Global

Africa Practitioners Network forges ahead with training

Africa Practitioners Network forges ahead with training

Africa Practitioners Network forges ahead with training Approaching its first anniversary meeting, the Africa Practitioners Network celebrates a successful year of training and capacity building. The

Honduran smallholders test simplified HCV approach

Honduran smallholders test simplified HCV approach

Honduran smallholders test simplified HCV approach Proforest supports development of new approach to managing High Conservation Values in smallholder oil palm plantations in Latin America. As 2015 dre

Cameroon’s HCV National Interpretation open for comments

Cameroon’s HCV National Interpretation open for comments

Cameroon’s HCV National Interpretation open for comments The draft High Conservation Value (HCV) Criteria and Indicators National Interpretation for Cameroon will be open for consultation for 60 days.

Towards a roadmap for sustainable palm oil in Africa

Towards a roadmap for sustainable palm oil in Africa

Towards a roadmap for sustainable palm oil in Africa Nine African countries are gathering in Ghana this week to discuss and agree a shared regional framework for the responsible production of palm oil

Highlights from the Africa Palm Oil Initiative’s Regional Workshop

Highlights from the Africa Palm Oil Initiative’s Regional Workshop

Highlights from the Africa Palm Oil Initiative’s Regional Workshop Earlier this month nine countries came together at the Tropical Forest Alliance 2020 (TFA 2020) Africa Palm Oil Initiative Regional W

Launching the Forest Integrity Assessment Manual

Launching the Forest Integrity Assessment Manual

Launching the Forest Integrity Assessment Manual A new tool for assessing and monitoring forest biodiversity conditions in forests and forest remnants has been launched by the HCV Resource Network, wi

We're seeking a Finance Manager

We're seeking a Finance Manager

We're seeking a Finance Manager Proforest Group is seeking an experienced finance manager to join its dynamic finance team to lead on the financial management of its UK commercial company and regional

Proforest achieves High Carbon Stock Approach accreditation

Proforest achieves High Carbon Stock Approach accreditation

Proforest achieves High Carbon Stock Approach accreditation Four members of the Proforest team from Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe were accredited as High Carbon Stock Approach practitioners i

Growing demand for APN-trained auditors

Growing demand for APN-trained auditors

Growing demand for APN-trained auditors Auditors trained by the Africa Practitioner Network are increasingly in demand by certification bodies in West and Central Africa. The Africa Practitioners Netw