
905 results:

Supporting landscape-level collective action in Brazil’s Cerrado

Supporting landscape-level collective action in Brazil’s Cerrado

Supporting landscape-level collective action in Brazil’s Cerrado In September, Climate Week NYC provided the setting for the launch of the Sustainable Landscapes Partnership by the CGF Forest…

UN Forum on Business and Human Rights event, 26th November

UN Forum on Business and Human Rights event, 26th November

UN Forum on Business and Human Rights event, 26th November We are delighted to be at the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights in Geneva on Tuesday 26th 5.35-6.00pm Room XXIV to launch a new…

Converged HREDD Assessment Tool and Guidance

Converged HREDD Assessment Tool and Guidance

Converged HREDD Assessment Tool and Guidance Members of AIM-Progress and the Consumer Goods Forum Human Rights Coalition have developed this tool in collaboration with the Fair Labor Association and…

EUDR delay following yesterday's European Parliament vote

EUDR delay following yesterday's European Parliament vote

EUDR delay following yesterday's European Parliament vote Yesterday the European Parliament voted to approve the 1-year delay of the EUDR's mandatory implementation. It also approved further…

Proforest and partners launch report on Carbon and Financial Sustainability in Soy Landscape Initiatives

Proforest and partners launch report on Carbon and Financial Sustainability in Soy Landscape Initiatives

Proforest and partners launch report on Carbon and Financial Sustainability in Soy Landscape Initiatives Proforest, in collaboration with IPAM, PCI Institute and Produzindo Certo, launched…

Leveraging Carbon Instruments for Financial Sustainability in a Soy Landscape Initiative

Leveraging Carbon Instruments for Financial Sustainability in a Soy Landscape Initiative

Leveraging Carbon Instruments for Financial Sustainability in a Soy Landscape Initiative Case study on leveraging carbon benefits from conservation, restoration, and regenerative agriculture to…

Core Criteria for Mature Landscape Initiatives

Core Criteria for Mature Landscape Initiatives

Core Criteria for Mature Landscape Initiatives With increasing interest and engagement in landscape initiatives, it is critical that all stakeholders have a simple and consistent understanding of the…

Landscape Exchange Week Indonesia 2024

Landscape Exchange Week Indonesia 2024

Landscape Exchange Week Indonesia 2024 Proforest welcomed our global colleagues as well as partners Daemeter and Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari (LTKL) to Pekanbaru, Riau for the Landscape Exchange…

Proforest Africa Initiative commissions a Rural Service Centre for Farmers in Ahafo Region, Ghana

Proforest Africa Initiative commissions a Rural Service Centre for Farmers in Ahafo Region, Ghana

Proforest Africa Initiative commissions a Rural Service Centre for Farmers in Ahafo Region, Ghana Proforest in collaboration with Forestry Commission and COCOBOD Ghana have inaugurated a new…

Grace Ferguson

 Grace Ferguson

Grace Ferguson Grace provides a range of administrative support to various teams to ensure the smooth running of the Oxford office. She holds a BA in Philosophy and Theology from Regent’s Park…