Julian Palacios Julian is a sociologist specialising in human rights and international humanitarian law. Throughout his career, he has been involved in the planning, management, design, and…
Rosie Maltby With over ten years’ experience in communications, Rosie specialises in brand management, corporate communications, and stakeholder engagement. Prior to joining Proforest, she worked…
Transamazonica Connections landscape initiative completes Phase I The project succeeded in completing its objectives, achieving unprecedented engagement and mobilisation of multiple livestock…
Investir dans le paysage de San Pedro: Collaboration et Communauté en Côte d'Ivoire Proforest a collaboré avec les autorités régionales, les communautés et d'autres partenaires pour élaborer un plan…
Transamazonica Connections - Building common goals for the livestock sector in Novo Repartimento (PA), Brazil The Transamazonica Connections initiative, supported by Neste, is a partnership created…
Human Rights Spotlight: Practical guide to human rights due diligence in sugarcane supply chains The digital platform Human Rights Spotlight: a practical guide that provides step-by-step instructions…
Julio Collazos Forestry engineer and GIS specialist, drone pilot and passionate about programming, statistics and innovation in the environmental sector. His professional career focuses on…
Implementation of a Regional Landscape Approach and Sustainable Management Plan: the case of the San Pedro Landscape Drawing up a sustainable management and investment plan for the landscape is a…
Africa Sustainable Commodities Initiative: A platform for producer and consumer country partnerships ASCI has great potential to help bridge perspectives between consumer and producer countries.…
Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad and Proforest collaborate on Supplier Engagement Workshops Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad (KLK) and Proforest jointly organised a series of Supplier Engagement Workshops…