Proforest joins the International Platform for Insetting (IPI) Proforest has become a member of the International Platform for Insetting (IPI) and is looking forward to contrbuting to the future of…
Nava Hinrichs Nava has a background in Human Rights Law from SOAS and King’s College London. With more than 15 years of experience she has worked in several fields including education curriculum…
Wendy Huang Wendy holds a bachelor degree in Accounting from Esa Unggul University. He also completed a short course in Accounting Professional education (PPAk) from Trisakti University. He…
Adella Yunitasari Adella has over 13 years project management experience with multi-donor funds managed by international non-governmental organisations as well as by independent not-for-profit…
Monitoring Protocol defines environmental commitments for livestock farming in the Cerrado Common socio-environmental responsibility criteria will be an ally against growing deforestation in this…
Proforest helps AFi to launch new e-learning platform to support corporate sustainability performance We are very excited to announce the new e-learning platform launched by AFi today that was…
Proforest joins the Science Based Targets Network Corporate Engagement Program We are delighted to announce that Proforest is an SBTN Corporate Engagement Program participant, pledging alignment…
Investing in the San Pedro Landscape - Collaboration and Community in Côte d'Ivoire Proforest has collaborated with regional authorities, communities, and other partners to develop a comprehensive…
Javier Vazquez Javier is an Agricultural Engineer with a specialisation in Tropical Zones from the Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Mexico. Throughout his career, he has become an expert in the field…
Santiago Bolaños Santiago has over two years of experience working in accounting, administrative and human resources matters. As he is working towards becoming a public accountant, Santiago is…