
149 results:

Understanding the debate around the Soy Moratorium

Understanding the debate around the Soy Moratorium

Understanding the debate around the Soy Moratorium Context of the Debate  The Soy Moratorium, established in 2006, has long faced criticism from producers because it imposes stricter…

Supporting landscape-level collective action in Brazil’s Cerrado

Supporting landscape-level collective action in Brazil’s Cerrado

Supporting landscape-level collective action in Brazil’s Cerrado In September, Climate Week NYC provided the setting for the launch of the Sustainable Landscapes Partnership by the CGF Forest…

Leveraging Carbon Instruments for Financial Sustainability in a Soy Landscape Initiative

Leveraging Carbon Instruments for Financial Sustainability in a Soy Landscape Initiative

Leveraging Carbon Instruments for Financial Sustainability in a Soy Landscape Initiative Case study on leveraging carbon benefits from conservation, restoration, and regenerative agriculture to…

Commodity Value Chain Actors Unite for Forest Positive and Resilient Cerrado Landscapes

Commodity Value Chain Actors Unite for Forest Positive and Resilient Cerrado Landscapes

Commodity Value Chain Actors Unite for Forest Positive and Resilient Cerrado Landscapes “The science is undeniable: shifting to responsible land use and land management practices, including…

Transamazonica Connections Landscape Initiative

The result of a partnership between the Solidaridad Foundation, the Institute for Forest and Agricultural Management and Certification (Imaflora) and Proforest, with support from Neste, the…

Andrés Escobar

 Andrés Escobar

Andrés Escobar Andrés is a Topographic Engineer from Universidad del Valle, with a strong inclination towards geospatial technologies, research and the different stages of software development. He…

Luana Piotto

 Luana Piotto

Luana Piotto Luana Piotto is a journalist, postgraduate in digital communication, branding and storytelling. With more than 10 years of experience in Communications, before joining Proforest she…

Abigail Hernández

 Abigail Hernández

Abigail Hernández Abigail is a biologist graduated from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, with a diploma in Impact Assessment, Auditing and Environmental Management. She has experience…

Paula Montagnana

 Paula Montagnana

Paula Montagnana Paula holds a Bachelor's degree in Ecology, a Master's in Biological Sciences, and a Ph.D. in Sciences. During her Ph.D. and postdoctoral studies, Paula deepened her knowledge in…

Melissa Santamaria

 Melissa Santamaria

Melissa Santamaria Melissa graduated from Communications from the Universidad Javeriana Cali and is a Marketing Specialist from the Universidad Autónoma de Occidente. She has professional…