
29 results:

Embedding gender equality training in our capacity building

Embedding gender equality training in our capacity building

Embedding gender equality training in our capacity building As part of a collaborative effort to support sustainable production at scale we're building a local Practitioner Network in Riau province, I

Bringing a gender-sensitive approach to our High Conservation Value assessments

Bringing a gender-sensitive approach to our High Conservation Value assessments

Bringing a gender-sensitive approach to our High Conservation Value assessments Our Africa team has led the way in embedding gender sensitive methodologies in our field work Proforest regularly c

Our partnership with The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)

Our partnership with The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)

Our partnership with The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) Proforest has provided technical support to RSPO since its inception, including facilitation of working groups, development of techn

Development of HCV Malaysia Toolkit

Development of HCV Malaysia Toolkit

Development of HCV Malaysia Toolkit In continuation with the Malaysian National Interpretation (MYNI) of the Common Guidance for the Identification of HCVs, Proforest has been engaged by the HCV

Procedures to remediate serious human rights issues

Procedures to remediate serious human rights issues

Procedures to remediate serious human rights issues Alongside our CORE partner, Daemeter we have worked with Wilmar, a palm oil refiner, grower and trader, to develop a procedure for how their s

Evaluation of the FLEGT/VPA Legality Assurance Scheme

Evaluation of the FLEGT/VPA Legality Assurance Scheme

Evaluation of the FLEGT/VPA Legality Assurance Scheme The VPAs are bilateral agreements between producing countries and the EU that sets out the commitments and actions of both parties to tackle ille

The Tropical Forest Alliance Africa Palm Oil Initiative

The Tropical Forest Alliance Africa Palm Oil Initiative

The Tropical Forest Alliance Africa Palm Oil Initiative The Tropical Forest Alliance Africa Palm Oil Initiative’s (APOI) vision is a prosperous palm oil industry which brings jobs and wealth to local

Developing a deforestation-free climate-resilient sustainable cocoa landscape: process and approach

Developing a deforestation-free climate-resilient sustainable cocoa landscape: process and approach

Developing a deforestation-free climate-resilient sustainable cocoa landscape: process and approach This document is part of a series of Production Landscape Briefings, giving an introduction to worki

Africa Palm Oil Initiative - New Partnerships for Forests funding to continue work of Central and West African countries

Africa Palm Oil Initiative - New Partnerships for Forests funding to continue work of Central and West African countries

Africa Palm Oil Initiative - New Partnerships for Forests funding to continue work of Central and West African countries We are delighted to have signed the contract with Partnerships for Forests for

Africa Palm Oil Initiative 2021 regional meeting: progress updates and looking ahead to COP26

Africa Palm Oil Initiative 2021 regional meeting: progress updates and looking ahead to COP26

Africa Palm Oil Initiative 2021 regional meeting: progress updates and looking ahead to COP26 Sharing experiences, successes and lessons learned, and looking towards strengthening the investment case