
72 results:

The Blueprint for mature landscape initiatives

The Blueprint for mature landscape initiatives

The Blueprint for mature landscape initiatives In October 2024, Proforest was part of a coalition of organisations led by ISEAL which co-published a set of Core Criteria for Mature Landscape…

Human rights due diligence: a systematic approach to respecting human rights

Human rights due diligence: a systematic approach to respecting human rights

Human rights due diligence: a systematic approach to respecting human rights This briefing note outlines the importance of meaningful Human Rights Due Diligence for companies in the agricultural and…

Supporting landscape-level collective action in Brazil’s Cerrado

Supporting landscape-level collective action in Brazil’s Cerrado

Supporting landscape-level collective action in Brazil’s Cerrado In September, Climate Week NYC provided the setting for the launch of the Sustainable Landscapes Partnership by the CGF Forest…

UN Forum on Business and Human Rights event, 26th November

UN Forum on Business and Human Rights event, 26th November

UN Forum on Business and Human Rights event, 26th November We are delighted to be at the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights in Geneva on Tuesday 26th 5.35-6.00pm Room XXIV to launch a new…

Converged HREDD Assessment Tool and Guidance

Converged HREDD Assessment Tool and Guidance

Converged HREDD Assessment Tool and Guidance Members of AIM-Progress and the Consumer Goods Forum Human Rights Coalition have developed this tool in collaboration with the Fair Labor Association and…

Proforest Africa Initiative commissions a Rural Service Centre for Farmers in Ahafo Region, Ghana

Proforest Africa Initiative commissions a Rural Service Centre for Farmers in Ahafo Region, Ghana

Proforest Africa Initiative commissions a Rural Service Centre for Farmers in Ahafo Region, Ghana Proforest in collaboration with Forestry Commission and COCOBOD Ghana have inaugurated a new…

Transamazonica Connections Landscape Initiative

The result of a partnership between the Solidaridad Foundation, the Institute for Forest and Agricultural Management and Certification (Imaflora) and Proforest, with support from Neste, the…

Implementation Reporting Framework- A Reuters Sustainability Awards Finalist

Implementation Reporting Framework- A Reuters Sustainability Awards Finalist

Implementation Reporting Framework- A Reuters Sustainability Awards Finalist This award will go out to a group that has demonstrated honest, transparent disclosure of both negative and positive…

Taufiq Alimi to lead Proforest Southeast Asia

Taufiq Alimi to lead Proforest Southeast Asia

Taufiq Alimi to lead Proforest Southeast Asia Proforest announces the appointment of Taufiq Alimi as the new Executive Director, Proforest Southeast Asia. Taufiq will be based in Proforest’s Jakarta…

Proforest Africa secures funding to enhance FPIC education in Liberia and Republic of Congo

Proforest Africa secures funding to enhance FPIC education in Liberia and Republic of Congo

Proforest Africa secures funding to enhance FPIC education in Liberia and Republic of Congo Proforest Africa has secured $125, 000 to develop, communicate and support implementation of Free Prior…