
59 results:

Accessibility Statement

We believe in making our site's information and functionality equally available to all visitors. We have therefore made this site as usable and accessible as possible so you can easily find the

Press and Media

Press and Media

Press and Media Members of the media wishing to speak with one of our technical experts are welcome to get in touch with us. Please email the appropriate regional contact with the subject line&nb

Contact us

Contact information for Proforest's offices around the world. For general enquiries please use the form below: For media and press enquiries click here. To report a problem with this si

What we do

What we do We support companies, governments and local communities to make the transition to responsible sourcing and production... We work within and beyond supply chains to drive long-lasting

Our focus

2023 Published our generic Verfied Deforestation and Conversion Free (V-DCF) methodology to support alignment, transparency and consistency in claims, while recognising the need to adapt to different


Proforest believes that partnership is the best approach to the work we do. We also firmly believe in sharing our knowledge, whether new innovations or established best practice. We are active parti

Supporting companies

Supporting companies

Supporting Companies We work with companies that produce, source and use forest and agricultural commodities. They include companies throughout the supply chain from producers, mills, ag

Effective collaboration

Effective collaboration

We believe that many sustainability issues can only be solved by effective collaboration and partnership. Many companies, governments, civil society organisations and communities are already committ

Developing knowledge & capacity building

Developing knowledge & capacity building

To achieve positive environmental and social impacts, people at all levels of companies, government and civil society need to understand the challenges of responsible sourcing and production. Once t

Responsible sourcing

In order to deliver socially and environmentally responsible sourcing commitments, companies need to understand where the commodities they buy are produced. This is often complex, as there may be man