
65 results:

25th Anniversary

Explore Proforest’s history through our timeline, highlighting some of the milestones that have shaped our journey so far, and our future direction. Our history Proforest publishes a free…

Briefing Notes

Briefing Notes

At Proforest, our vision is to help people produce and source agricultural and forest commodities responsibly. Since 2000, we’ve supported companies throughout supply chains to drive positive…

Converged HREDD Assessment Tool and Guidance

Many thanks for your interest in the Converged HREDD Assessment Tool. We strongly recommend that you use the guidance document alongside using the tool. By leveraging the tool’s extensive results…



Proforest Insights are drawn from our 25 years of practical experience in responsible sourcing and production of agricultural and forest commodities brought to you by Proforest’s senior leadership.

Transamazonica Connections Landscape Initiative

The result of a partnership between the Solidaridad Foundation, the Institute for Forest and Agricultural Management and Certification (Imaflora) and Proforest, with support from Neste, the…

Sustainability Engagement Platform (SEP)

The Sustainability Engagement Platform (SEP) is a digital tool, developed by Proforest, that enables companies to collect, update, visualise, and centralise their data and documents related to…

Call for Grounded Engagement- Climate Week NYC

Shared principles for FLAG sector to focus on real impact in climate discussions and decisions The Forest Land and Agriculture (FLAG) sector is the largest driver of ecosystem conversion and…

Our Team

Proforest is a unique, non-profit group. We support companies, governments, civil society and other organisations to work towards the responsible production and sourcing of agricultural and forest…

Cookies & Privacy Policy

1. Application This privacy policy relates to How we handle information received or collected about you as an individual through the Website, How we communicate with you as an…

Accessibility Statement

We believe in making our site's information and functionality equally available to all visitors. We have therefore made this site as usable and accessible as possible so you can easily find…