BOPP The Benso Oil Palm Plantation, a subsidiary of Wilmar Africa Limited, was supported to become the second large-scale oil palm company in Africa to achieve RSPO certification in 2014. This suppor
Mars Proforest has worked with Mars since 2017 when the company boosted their activities in key origin countries to meet their deforestation-free commitments. With an initial focus on their beef and
McDonald’s Proforest Brazil supports McDonald’s to develop and deploy strategies to implement their Commitment on Forests across five priority products: beef, chicken (including soy in feed), palm oi
Nestlé Developing tools, methodologies and strategies to support Nestlé to achieve its sustainable sourcing commitments. We have been working to support the world’s largest food and beverage company N
Fedepalma Proforest has provided technical support in the GEF-funded “Biodiverse palm oil landscape” project, to carry out high conservation value assessments in two of the four palm oil-produci
SIAT Proforest provides stepwise support to companies to meet RSPO certification requirements and to address the gaps between their operational practices and wider social and environmental best pract
Sucden Proforest supported Sucden with the development of a Forest Protection Policy and implementation plan, for its global cocoa supply chain. The Policy sets out high-level cor
Danone Proforest has been supporting Danone on their responsible sourcing programme for cane sugar. Activities to date have focused on understanding traceability and key sustainability risks in
Twifo Oil Palm Plantation (TOPP) Twifo Oil Palm Plantation received support under the Sustainable West African Palm Oil Programme from Proforest to achieve RSPO certification. Proforest also supporte
Biase Plantations (Wilmar) Proforest Africa has worked with subsidiaries of Wilmar Africa Limited including BOPP in Ghana and Biase and Calaro Estates in Nigeria, providing support in the form of bas