
331 results:

Additional trustees for The Proforest Initiative

Additional trustees for The Proforest Initiative

Additional trustees for The Proforest Initiative To help us grow, Proforest is currently seeking additional members to strengthen the Board of Trustees of The Proforest Initiative. The Proforest Initi

High Conservation Values Workshop in Rio de Janeiro

High Conservation Values Workshop in Rio de Janeiro

High Conservation Values Workshop in Rio de Janeiro Proforest, Funbio and the High Conservation Value Resource Network (HCVRN) organized a workshop on High Conservation Values (HCVs) in Rio de Janeiro

11th Annual Training Programme

11th Annual Training Programme

11th Annual Training Programme 10-14 September 2012, Oxford, United Kingdom The 11th Proforest Annual Training Programme was held in Oxford from 10-14 September 2012. The 22 participants came from 14

Sustainable Oil Palm week in Brazil

Sustainable Oil Palm week in Brazil

Sustainable Oil Palm week in Brazil The Proforest Initiative, together with Imazon and the State of Pará is organising a technical meeting on sustainable palm oil in Belém, Pará, Brazil from 22 to 24

Stakeholders gather in Brazil for Sustainable Palm Oil Week

Stakeholders gather in Brazil for Sustainable Palm Oil Week

Stakeholders gather in Brazil for Sustainable Palm Oil Week The Proforest Initiative, together with Imazon and the Green Municipalities Program of the State of Pará, organised a meeting on sustainable

Third party scheme compliance with EU Timber Regulation

Third party scheme compliance with EU Timber Regulation

Third party scheme compliance with EU Timber Regulation Proforest has assessed the compliance of certification and legality verification schemes with the new EU Timber Regulation legality requirements

Oil palm stakeholders meet to discuss certification at Honduras workshop

Oil palm stakeholders meet to discuss certification at Honduras workshop

Oil palm stakeholders meet to discuss certification at Honduras workshop The Proforest Initiative, together with ICADE, Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN) and Hondupalma organised a workshop on oil

Draft standard for sustainable algae production to be discussed

Draft standard for sustainable algae production to be discussed

Draft standard for sustainable algae production to be discussed Funded by NL Agency, Proforest has worked with the Biomass Technology Group (BTG) to carry out a sustainability assessment of a pilot pr

RSPO Africa Roadshow has started

RSPO Africa Roadshow has started

RSPO Africa Roadshow has started An effort to raise awareness and build capacity on sustainable palm oil in Africa has kicked off with a series of workshops in Ghana, Gabon, Cameroon and Liberia in Ma

New RSPO lead auditors training course in September

New RSPO lead auditors training course in September

New RSPO lead auditors training course in September Proforest and Wild Asia are organising the 7th edition of the RSPO-endorsed Lead Auditors training course in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 24 to 28 Se